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This documentation was last updated on Mon Apr 22 08:00:15 UTC 2024 and covers Mambu Version v9.160.2

Welcome to the Mambu Streaming API Reference documentation!

The Streaming API allows you to subscribe to constant, real-time updates of activities within Mambu. If your connection is interrupted, your cursor position is saved so that when you reconnect, you will pick up exactly where you left off. The Streaming API is independent from the Mambu API and webhook infrastructure.

For information about setting up event streaming notification templates in the Mambu UI, see Streaming API in our User Guide.

About Mambu Streaming API

The purpose of the Streaming API is to provide a high-performance and reliable mechanism to stream significant amounts of data out of Mambu on a constant basis, without posing unnecessary pressure on the API and webhook infrastructure.

In order to subscribe to Mambu notifications events and consume them, a dedicated API is exposed to be used by clients.

The typical workflow is:

  1. Create a subscription specifying the topic names you want to read.
  2. Start reading batches of events from the subscription.
  3. Commit the cursors found in the event batches back to Mambu, which will store the offsets.

If the connection is closed, and later restarted, clients will get events from the point of your last cursor commit. If you need more than one client for your subscription to distribute the load you can read the subscription with multiple clients, for more details please check the get events endpoint.

Base URLs

The base URL for requests to the Streaming API is found below:

To make requests to your tenant's sandbox, use the following base URL:

HTTP Verbs

Standard HTTP verbs are used to indicate the API request method.

Verb Function
GET To get events or statistics from a subscription
POST To create a subscription or commit a cursor
DELETE To delete a subscription


To access the Streaming API, you must create an API consumer that has the Manage Events Streaming (MANAGE_EVENTS_STREAMING) permission assigned to it and create API keys using this API consumer.

API keys inherit the scope of access settings from the API consumer that creates them. You must authenticate every request to the Streaming API using an API key in the request header.

You may create and manage API consumers and keys either through the Mambu UI or using the API Consumers endpoint provided by Mambu API v2. For more information, see API Consumers in our User Guide.

Example authenticated request using cURL

curl  --request GET '' \
--header 'apikey: i9TCzwUBwyTVQrfPEAhk0oEpOUCt0O2M'

Open API Specification

Use this link to access the latest Open API Specification.

This documentation is automatically generated from an OpenAPI Specification (OAS).

This OAS file can also be used to quickly scaffold client SDKs, in various languages, for interacting with our APIs using a number of tools, including the online Swagger Editor.

You can access the latest version of this specification using the link provided.

Using the Streaming API

Creating an event stream

Before you can subscribe to an event stream using the API you will first need to specify the set of events to be streamed using the Mambu UI. We strongly recommend reading our support article on the Streaming API for a walkthrough. Using the UI you will also create the body of each event notification using JSON, XML, or plain text and can make use of placeholders to include specific information such as client or account IDs, transactions amounts, or the values of custom fields.

Once the event streams have been created using the UI you will have a set of topics that you can subscribe to using the POST /subscriptions API by passing them in the event_types array.

Creating Subscriptions

POST /subscriptions


Sample Request

curl -v -X POST "" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d

Body Parameter

    "owning_application": "demo-app",
    "event_types": ["mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved","mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_rejected"]

A subscription can be created by sending a POST request to the /api/v1/subscriptions resource.


Sample Response

  "owning_application": "demo-app",
  "event_types": [
  "consumer_group": "default",
  "read_from": "end",
  "id": "0691160a-b519-4595-b85c-a400fc73e963",
  "created_at": "2018-11-18T22:27:29.156Z"

The response returns the whole subscription object that was created, including the server generated id field:

Deleting a Subscription

DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription_id}


Sample Request

curl -X DELETE

A subscription can be removed by sending a DELETE request to the /subscriptions/{subscription_id} resource.


Sample Response

    "title": "Not Found",
    "status": 404,
    "detail": "Subscription with id \"071569bc-89f2-4b52-8277-6ed9614ffbb3\" does not exist"

The possible responses for the delete are:

Consuming Events from a Subscription

GET /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/events


Sample Request

curl -v -X GET "https://TENANT_NAME.localhost:8889/api/v1/subscriptions/0691160a-b519-4595-b85c-a400fc73e963/events"

Events can be consumed by sending a GET request to the subscription's event resource /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/events.


Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Mambu-StreamId: 93ae5174-b863-4f8f-ba33-d274854d1f3d
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

{ "cursor" : {    "partition": "1",    "offset": "001-0001--1",    "event_type": "mrn.event.demo_tenant.streamingapi.client_approved",    "cursor_token": "1d23d044-daa1-414c-8ec4-a060ba03d77c"  },  "info": {    "debug": "Stream started"  }}
{ "cursor" : {    "partition": "1",    "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",    "event_type": "mrn.event.demo_tenant.streamingapi.client_approved",    "cursor_token": "e8f6bc5d-65b7-4466-9d95-507da0e79d3c"  },  "events": [    {      "metadata": {        "occurred_at": "2018-11-18T22:50:12.602Z",        "eid": "fde622d5-f975-4786-8e1d-d328c29761f9",        "event_type": "mrn.event.demo_tenant.streamingapi.client_approved",        "partition": "1",        "received_at": "2018-11-18T22:50:12.786Z",        "flow_id": "jOK94UJFdtKsthWOgOJCwuGC",        "version": "1.0.0"      },      "occurred_at": "2018-11-18T22:50:12.602Z",      "body": "Client was approved notification body",      "content_type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",      "template_name": "Demo Template 1",      "category": "DATA"    }  ]}
{ "cursor" : {    "partition": "1",    "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",    "event_type": "mrn.event.demo_tenant.streamingapi.client_approved",    "cursor_token": "5fed7de4-86ec-464f-92f0-5d6103869385"  }}

The response is a stream that groups events into JSON batches separated by an endline (\n) character. The output can be seen in the right panel.

Each batch contains the following fields:

Subscription Cursors

Cursor Structure

  "partition": "1",
  "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
  "event_type": "mrn.event.demo_tenant.streamingapi.client_approved",
  "cursor_token": "e8f6bc5d-65b7-4466-9d95-507da0e79d3c"

The cursors in the Subscription API have the following structure:

The fields are:

Committing Cursors

POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/cursors


Sample Request

curl -v -X POST ""\
  -H "X-Mambu-StreamId: 93ae5174-b863-4f8f-ba33-d274854d1f3d" \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \

Body Parameter

    "items": [
        "partition": "1",
        "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
        "event_type": "mrn.event.demo_tenant.streamingapi.client_approved",
        "cursor_token": "db4b4c27-f880-4406-a382-b057acf432cd"
      }    ]

Cursors can be committed by making a POST request to the subscription's cursor resource /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/cursors:


The possible successful responses for a commit are:

The timeout for commit is 60 seconds. If you open the stream, read data, and don’t commit anything for 60 seconds - the stream connection will be closed from the Mambu side. Please note that if there are no events available to send and you get only empty batches - there is no need to commit; Mambu will close the connection only if there is some uncommitted data and no commits happened for 60 seconds.

If the connection is closed for any reason, the client still has 60 seconds to commit the events it received from the moment the events were sent. After that, the session will be considered closed and it will no longer be possible to commit with that X-Mambu-StreamId. If the commit was not made - then the next time you start reading from a subscription you will get data from the last point of your commit, you will receive the events you haven’t committed again and will need to deduplicate.

Java Sample Client

To help get you started quickly, a sample project (in Java) implementing a Streaming API client is available at

Streaming API Reference

Create a Subscription

POST /subscriptions

This endpoint creates a subscription for event_types. Event types must first be specified using the Mambu UI following the instructions in our Event Streaming API article.

Example Request

A Subscription

  "owning_application": "demo",
  "event_types": [
  "consumer_group": "read-product-updates",
  "read_from": "end",
  "initial_cursors": [
      "partition": "1",
      "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
      "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved"


Name Type Description In
apikey (required) string your API key header
body (required) Subscription Subscription is a high level consumption unit. Subscriptions allow applications to easily scale the number of clients by managing consumed event offsets and distributing load between instances. The key properties that identify a subscription are owning_application, event_types and consumer_group. It is not possible to have two different subscriptions with these properties being the same. body

Example Responses

200 :
A subscription

  "id": "0691160a-b519-4595-b85c-a400fc73e963",
  "owning_application": "demo",
  "event_types": [
  "consumer_group": "read-product-updates",
  "created_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00",
  "updated_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00",
  "read_from": "end",
  "initial_cursors": [
      "partition": "1",
      "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
      "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved"

201 :
A newly created subscription

  "id": "0691160a-b519-4595-b85c-a400fc73e963",
  "owning_application": "demo",
  "event_types": [
  "consumer_group": "read-product-updates",
  "created_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00",
  "updated_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00",
  "read_from": "end",
  "initial_cursors": [
      "partition": "1",
      "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
      "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved"

400 Response

  "detail": "Connection to database timed out",
  "instance": "",
  "status": 503,
  "title": "Service Unavailable",
  "type": ""


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Subscription for such parameters already exists. Returns subscription object that already existed. Subscription
201 Created Subscription was successfuly created. Returns subscription object that was created. Subscription
400 Bad Request Bad Request Problem
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Entity Problem

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
200 Location string uri The relative URI for this subscription resource.
201 Location string uri The relative URI for the created resource.
201 Content-Location string uri If the Content-Location header is present and the same as the Location header the client can assume it has an up to date representation of the Subscription and a corresponding GET request is not needed.

Start Event Stream

GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/events

This endpoint starts a new stream for reading events from this subscription. The data will be automatically rebalanced between streams of one subscription.

Example Request


Accept: application/json
apikey: string
X-Flow-Id: string

Client Rebalancing


Name Type Description In
X-Flow-Id string The flow id of the request, which is written into the logs and passed to called services. Helpful for operational troubleshooting and log analysis. header
max_uncommitted_events string The maximum number of uncommitted events that Mambu will stream before pausing the stream. When in paused state and commit comes - the stream will resume. query
batch_limit integer Maximum number of events in each chunk (and therefore per partition) of the stream. query
stream_limit integer Maximum number of events in this stream (over all partitions being streamed in this connection). query
batch_flush_timeout integer Maximum time in seconds to wait for the flushing of each chunk (per partition). query
stream_timeout integer Maximum time in seconds a stream will live before connection is closed by the server. query
stream_keep_alive_limit integer Maximum number of empty keep alive batches to get in a row before closing the connection. query
commit_timeout string Maximum amount of seconds that Mambu will be waiting for commit after sending a batch to a client. query
apikey (required) string your API key header
subscription_id (required) string(uuid) Id of subscription. path

Detailed descriptions

batch_limit: Maximum number of events in each chunk (and therefore per partition) of the stream.

stream_limit: Maximum number of events in this stream (over all partitions being streamed in this connection).

batch_flush_timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for the flushing of each chunk (per partition).

stream_timeout: Maximum time in seconds a stream will live before connection is closed by the server.

stream_keep_alive_limit: Maximum number of empty keep alive batches to get in a row before closing the connection.

commit_timeout: Maximum amount of seconds that Mambu will be waiting for commit after sending a batch to a client.

In case commit does not come within this timeout, Mambu will initialize stream termination, no new data will be sent. Partitions from this stream will be assigned to other streams.

Setting commit_timeout to 0 is equal to setting it to the maximum allowed value - 60 seconds.

In case low latency is needed, change the commit_timeout to a lower value (e.g. 5 seconds).

Example Responses

200 :
A batch of events

  "cursor": {
    "partition": "1",
    "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
    "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
    "cursor_token": "string"
  "info": {},
  "events": [
      "metadata": {
        "eid": "105a76d8-db49-4144-ace7-e683e8f4ba46",
        "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
        "occurred_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00",
        "content_type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
        "category": "string"
      "body": "Client was modified. Activity type: CLIENT_SET_TO_INACTIVE. Date: 27-11-2018.\n",
      "template_name": "Client activity template"

400 Response

  "detail": "Connection to database timed out",
  "instance": "",
  "status": 503,
  "title": "Service Unavailable",
  "type": ""


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Stream started. Stream format is a continuous series of SubscriptionEventStreamBatch objects separated by \n Subscription-Event-Stream-Batch
400 Bad Request Bad Request. Problem
403 Forbidden Access forbidden. Problem
404 Not Found Subscription not found. Problem
409 Conflict Conflict. There are several possible reasons for receiving this status code: 1) There are no empty slots for this subscriptions. The amount of consumers for this subscription already equals the maximum value - the total number of partitions in this subscription. 2) Request to reset subscription cursors is still in progress. Problem

Response Headers

Status Header Type Format Description
200 X-Mambu-StreamId string uuid The id of this stream generated by Mambu. Must be used for committing events that were read by client from this stream.

Commit Cursors

POST /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/cursors

This endpoint commits offsets of the subscription.

Example Request

A Cursor

  "items": [
      "partition": "1",
      "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
      "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
      "cursor_token": "string"


Name Type Description In
X-Mambu-StreamId (required) string Id of stream which client uses to read events. It is not possible to make a commit for a terminated or none-existing stream. Also the client can't commit something which was not sent to his stream. header
apikey (required) string your API key header
body object none body
» items (required) [object] List of cursors that the consumer acknowledges to have successfully processed. body
»» partition (required) string Id of the partition pointed to by this cursor. body
»» offset (required) string Offset of the event being pointed to. Note that if you want to specify beginning position of a stream with first event at offset N, you should specify offset N-1. body
»» event_type (required) string The name of the event type this partition's events belong to. body
»» cursor_token (required) string An opaque value defined by the server. body
subscription_id (required) string Id of subscription path

Detailed descriptions

»» offset: Offset of the event being pointed to. Note that if you want to specify beginning position of a stream with first event at offset N, you should specify offset N-1.

This applies in cases when you create new subscription or reset subscription offsets.

Also for stream start offsets one can use two special values:

Example Responses

200 :
A Cursor

  "items": [
      "cursor": {
        "partition": "1",
        "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
        "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
        "cursor_token": "string"
      "result": "string"

403 Response

  "detail": "Connection to database timed out",
  "instance": "",
  "status": 503,
  "title": "Service Unavailable",
  "type": ""


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK At least one cursor which was tried to be committed is older or equal to already committed one. Array of commit results is returned for this status code Inline
204 No Content Offsets were committed None
403 Forbidden Access forbidden Problem
404 Not Found Subscription not found Problem
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable Entity Problem

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Description
» items (required) [Cursor-Commit-Result] [The result of single cursor commit. Holds a cursor itself and a result value.]
»» cursor (required) any none


Name Type Description
»»» anonymous object none
»»»» cursor_token (required) string An opaque value defined by the server.
»»»» event_type (required) string The name of the event type this partition's events belong to.


Name Type Description
»»» anonymous Cursor none
»»»» offset (required) string Offset of the event being pointed to. Note that if you want to specify beginning position of a stream with first event at offset N, you should specify offset N-1. This applies in cases when you create new subscription or reset subscription offsets. Also for stream start offsets one can use two special values: - begin - read from the oldest available event. - end - read from the most recent offset.
»»»» partition (required) string Id of the partition pointed to by this cursor.


Name Type Description
»» result (required) string The result of cursor commit. - committed: cursor was successfully committed - outdated: there already was more recent (or the same) cursor committed, so the current one was not committed as it is outdated

Delete a Subscription

DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription_id}

This endpoint deletes an existing subscription for event types.

Example Request

DELETE https://TENNT_NAME.MAMBU.COM/api/v1/subscriptions/0691160a-b519-4595-b85c-a400fc73e96 HTTP/1.1

apikey: string


Name Type Description In
apikey (required) string your API key header
subscription_id (required) string ID of subscription path

Example Responses

404 :
Subscription ID not found

  "title": "Not Found",
  "status": 404,
  "detail": "Subscription with id \"071569bc-89f2-4b52-8277-6ed9614ffbb3\" does not exist"


Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Subscription for the given id has been successfully deleted None
404 Not Found Subscription for the given id was not found Inline

Response Schema

Status Code 404

Name Type Description
» title (required) string A short, summary of the problem type. Written in English and readable for engineers (usually not suited for non technical stakeholders and not localized).
» status (required) number The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.
» detail (required) string A human readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

Get Statistics

GET /subscriptions/{subscription_id}/stats

This endpoint exposes statistics of a specified subscription. An example use for the statistics provided could be monitoring lag in consumers.

Example Request


Accept: application/json
apikey: string

The latest offset is compared with committed offset in order to calculate unconsumed events count for specific partition.


Name Type Description In
show_time_lag boolean Shows consumer time lag as an optional field if requested. This option is a time consuming operation and Streaming API attempts to compute it in the best possible strategy. In cases of failures, resulting in Streaming API being unable to compute it within a configurable timeout, the field might either be partially present or not present (depending on the number of successful requests) in the output. query
apikey (required) string your API key header
subscription_id (required) string The ID of the subscription path

Example Responses

200 :
example statistics

  "items": [
      "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
      "partitions": [
          "partition": "0",
          "state": "unassigned",
          "unconsumed_events": 1,
          "consumer_lag_seconds": 500,
          "stream_id": ""
          "partition": "1",
          "state": "unassigned",
          "unconsumed_events": 0,
          "consumer_lag_seconds": 0,
          "stream_id": ""
          "partition": "2",
          "state": "unassigned",
          "unconsumed_events": 0,
          "consumer_lag_seconds": 0,
          "stream_id": ""

404 Response

  "detail": "Connection to database timed out",
  "instance": "",
  "status": 503,
  "title": "Service Unavailable",
  "type": ""


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Statistics list for specified subscription successfully returned. Inline
404 Not Found Subscription for the given id was not found. Problem

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Description
» items (required) [SubscriptionEventTypeStats] Statistics list for specified subscription.
»» SubscriptionEventTypeStats SubscriptionEventTypeStats Statistics of one event-type within a context of subscription.
»»» event_type (required) string The name of the event type this partition's events belong to.
»»» partitions (required) [PartitionStats] Statistics of partitions of this event-type.
»»»» consumer_lag_seconds integer Subscription consumer lag for this partition in seconds. Measured as the age of the oldest event of this partition that is not yet consumed within this subscription.
»»»» partition (required) string The partition id.
»»»» state (required) string The state of this partition in current subscription. Currently following values are possible:

unassigned - the partition is currently not assigned to any client.
reassigning - the partition is currently reassigning from one client to another.
assigned - the partition is assigned to a client.
»»»» stream_id (required) string The id of the stream that consumes data from this partition.
»»»» unconsumed_events (required) integer The amount of events in this partition that are not yet consumed within this subscription. The property may be absent at the moment when no events were yet consumed from the partition in this subscription (In case of read_from is BEGIN or END). If the event type uses ‘compact’ cleanup policy - then the actual number of unconsumed events can be lower than the one reported in this field.

Enumerated Values

Property Value
state assigned
state unassigned
state reassigning



  "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
  "partition": "1"


Name Type Description Restrictions
offset (required) string Offset of the event being pointed to. Note that if you want to specify beginning position of a stream with first event at offset N, you should specify offset N-1. This applies in cases when you create new subscription or reset subscription offsets. Also for stream start offsets one can use two special values: - begin - read from the oldest available event. - end - read from the most recent offset. none
partition (required) string Id of the partition pointed to by this cursor. none


  "cursor": {
    "cursor_token": "string",
    "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
    "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
    "partition": "1"
  "result": "string"

The result of single cursor commit. Holds a cursor itself and a result value.


Name Type Description Restrictions
cursor (required) Subscription-Cursor none none
result (required) string The result of cursor commit. - committed: cursor was successfully committed - outdated: there already was more recent (or the same) cursor committed, so the current one was not committed as it is outdated none


  "body": "Client was modified. Activity type: CLIENT_SET_TO_INACTIVE. Date: 27-11-2018.\n",
  "metadata": {
    "category": "string",
    "content_type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
    "eid": "105a76d8-db49-4144-ace7-e683e8f4ba46",
    "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
    "occurred_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00"
  "template_name": "Client activity template"

Payload of an Event. Usually represents a status transition in a Business process.


Name Type Description Restrictions
body (required) string Actual content of the notification. none
metadata (required) Event-Metadata Metadata for this Event. none
template_name (required) string Name of the notification template. none


  "category": "string",
  "content_type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
  "eid": "105a76d8-db49-4144-ace7-e683e8f4ba46",
  "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
  "occurred_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00"

Metadata for this Event.


Name Type Description Restrictions
category (required) string Indicates if the content of the notification can be configured in Mambu or it is fixed. Currently only one category is supported: DATA none
content_type (required) string Notification content format. none
eid (required) string(uuid) Unique identifier of this Event. Consumers MIGHT use this value to assert uniqueness of reception of the Event. none
event_type (required) string The EventType of this Event. none
occurred_at (required) string(date-time) Timestamp of creation of the Event generated by Mambu. none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
content_type application/xml
content_type application/json
content_type text/plain; charset=UTF-8


  "consumer_lag_seconds": 0,
  "partition": "0",
  "state": "unassigned",
  "stream_id": "",
  "unconsumed_events": 0

Statistics of partition within a subscription context.


Name Type Description Restrictions
consumer_lag_seconds integer Subscription consumer lag for this partition in seconds. Measured as the age of the oldest event of this partition that is not yet consumed within this subscription. none
partition (required) string The partition id. none
state (required) string The state of this partition in current subscription. Currently following values are possible:

unassigned - the partition is currently not assigned to any client.
reassigning - the partition is currently reassigning from one client to another.
assigned - the partition is assigned to a client.
stream_id (required) string The id of the stream that consumes data from this partition. none
unconsumed_events (required) integer The amount of events in this partition that are not yet consumed within this subscription. The property may be absent at the moment when no events were yet consumed from the partition in this subscription (In case of read_from is BEGIN or END). If the event type uses ‘compact’ cleanup policy - then the actual number of unconsumed events can be lower than the one reported in this field. none

Enumerated Values

Property Value
state assigned
state unassigned
state reassigning


  "detail": "Connection to database timed out",
  "instance": "",
  "status": 503,
  "title": "Service Unavailable",
  "type": ""


Name Type Description Restrictions
detail string A human readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. none
instance string(uri) An absolute URI that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced. none
status (required) integer The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem. none
title (required) string A short, summary of the problem type. Written in English and readable for engineers (usually not suited for non technical stakeholders and not localized). none
type (required) string(uri) An absolute URI that identifies the problem type. When dereferenced, it SHOULD provide human-readable API documentation for the problem type (e.g., using HTML). none



This object contains general information about the stream. Used only for debugging purposes. We recommend logging this object in order to solve connection issues.

Clients should not parse this structure.




  "consumer_group": "read-product-updates",
  "created_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00",
  "event_types": [
  "id": "0691160a-b519-4595-b85c-a400fc73e963",
  "initial_cursors": [
      "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
      "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
      "partition": "1"
  "owning_application": "demo",
  "read_from": "end",
  "updated_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00"

Subscription is a high level consumption unit. Subscriptions allow applications to easily scale the number of clients by managing consumed event offsets and distributing load between instances. The key properties that identify a subscription are owning_application, event_types and consumer_group. It is not possible to have two different subscriptions with these properties being the same.


Name Type Description Restrictions
consumer_group string The value describing the use case of this subscription. In general that is an additional identifier used to differ subscriptions having the same owning_application and event_types. none
created_at string(date-time) Timestamp of creation of the subscription. This is generated by Mambu. It should not be specified when creating subscription and sending it may result in a client error. read-only
event_types (required) [string] EventTypes to subscribe to. The order is not important. Subscriptions that differ only by the order of EventTypes will be considered the same and will have the same id. The size of the event_types list is limited by the total number of partitions within these event types. Default limit for partition count is 100. none
id string ID of subscription that was created. Is generated by Mambu, should not be specified when creating a subscription. none
initial_cursors [Subscription-Cursor-Without-Token] List of cursors to start reading from. This property is required when read_from = cursors. The initial cursors should cover all partitions of subscription. Clients will get events starting from next offset positions. none
owning_application (required) string The id of application owning the subscription. none
read_from string Position to start reading events from. Currently supported values: - begin - read from the oldest available event. - end - read from the most recent offset. - cursors - read from cursors provided in initial_cursors property. Applied when the client starts reading from a subscription. none
updated_at string(date-time) Timestamp of last update of the subscription. This is generated by Mambu. It should not be specified when creating subscription and sending it may result in a client error. Its initial value is same as created_at. read-only


  "cursor_token": "string",
  "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
  "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
  "partition": "1"



Name Type Description Restrictions
anonymous object none none
» cursor_token (required) string An opaque value defined by the server. none
» event_type (required) string The name of the event type this partition's events belong to. none


Name Type Description Restrictions
anonymous Cursor none none


  "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
  "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
  "partition": "1"



Name Type Description Restrictions
anonymous Cursor none none


Name Type Description Restrictions
anonymous object none none
» event_type (required) string The name of the event type this partition's events belong to. none


  "cursor": {
    "cursor_token": "string",
    "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
    "offset": "001-0001-000000000000000000",
    "partition": "1"
  "events": [
      "body": "Client was modified. Activity type: CLIENT_SET_TO_INACTIVE. Date: 27-11-2018.\n",
      "metadata": {
        "category": "string",
        "content_type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
        "eid": "105a76d8-db49-4144-ace7-e683e8f4ba46",
        "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
        "occurred_at": "1996-12-19T16:39:57-08:00"
      "template_name": "Client activity template"
  "info": {}

One chunk of events in a stream. A batch consists of an array of events plus a cursor pointing to the offset of the last event in the stream.

The size of the array of event is limited by the parameters used to initialize a Stream.

Sequential batches might present repeated cursors if no new events have arrived.


Name Type Description Restrictions
cursor (required) Subscription-Cursor none none
events [Event] [Payload of an Event. Usually represents a status transition in a Business process.] none
info Stream-Info This object contains general information about the stream. Used only for debugging purposes. We recommend logging this object in order to solve connection issues.

Clients should not parse this structure.


  "event_type": "mrn.event.TENANT_NAME.streamingapi.client_approved",
  "partitions": [
      "consumer_lag_seconds": 500,
      "partition": "0",
      "state": "unassigned",
      "stream_id": "",
      "unconsumed_events": 1
      "consumer_lag_seconds": 0,
      "partition": "1",
      "state": "unassigned",
      "stream_id": "",
      "unconsumed_events": 0
      "consumer_lag_seconds": 0,
      "partition": "2",
      "state": "unassigned",
      "stream_id": "",
      "unconsumed_events": 0



Name Type Description Restrictions
event_type (required) string The name of the event type this partition's events belong to. none
partitions (required) [PartitionStats] Statistics of partitions of this event-type. none